Hi! Most of my life I ran away from the idea that I could be an artist...
So I studied architecture and scenography. I worked as a painter in a puppet theater.
I worked as a set designer and I created puppets. I sew and craft rag dolls and soft toys. I even sewed a couple of costumes. I studied graphic design and digital design and illustration. I illustrated books. I created visual content for social media. I dabbled with animation. Heck, I even started writing!!! (But more on that later...)
See where this is going?!?
So I kinda have to give up and admit that I am kinda some sort of an artist. A jack-of-all-trades kind of artist.
And you know what?
Because all this running around gave me so many tools to work with, to manifest, to create, to expand.
My biggest dream starts unfolding:
Wait, what?!?
Am I gonna paint wings on people's shoulders or what?
I'm gonna create for kids, from all my heart, with all my love, sharing with them all the knowledge I ever gather and live by. To do so, I will use all sort of media, anything I can get my hands on.
Illustrated books? No problem!
Animated movies? Working on it!
Singing and dancing? I'm getting there too!
Writing? Don't get me started!
And so, they'll learn early on how to live their lives with joy and loving full heartedly. I'll teach them. Through my art.
In order to achieve this purpose I came up with emilitopia - the universe of creative emotions, for kids!
"You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one."
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one."

I told you I love crafting rag dolls. Sometimes I keep it simple, sometimes I thrive on intricate.

With my loving husband. At the Art Mania Festival, Sibiu, 2019. He's tending for the growth of my wings. ;)

This was a chalenging project. It was the remake of an old 60's play. I went a bit wacky with the colors here... psychedelic...
The story is heart warming - Peter, the little tiger, is basically a scardy cat. The old tigers punish him by taking away his stripes. But when Peter's mom gets sick, he goes away to bring a doctor. It's night and stormy and a long way to travel. Peter gets himself in all sorts of trouble and meets a crocodile, indians, soldiers, travels on horseback and by helicopter. When he finally arrives back home with the doctor and saves his mother's life, the old tigers give him his stripes back!
I did the set design from scratch and interpreted the old puppet design, refreshing it.
I attached some technical drawings too, because they made the architect inside me sing. :))

Old puppets from the 60's.

Old puppets from the 60's.

Old puppets from the 60's.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Remake of the play - new set design and remake of puppets.

Technical drawings for set design.

Technical drawings for puppet.

Technical drawings for set design.

Technical drawings for set design.

Technical drawings for set design.

Technical drawings for set design.

Technical drawings for set design.

Technical drawings for set design.
I tried some 3D painting. Which meant a bit of clay modelling for the base.

I love little angels.

Paper fiber modelling clay.

3D paintings - different techniques.
And here I wanted a more exapanded 3D painting, so I used sculpted polystirene and papier mache for the base.

Preparing a 3d angel painting.

Some papier mache needed.

It looks mesmerizing.

Ready for gesso and painting.
Still 3D "painting"... :)) This is Roro. He also has a back story.

Polistyrene sculpting, in order to create a 3d painting.

I named him Roro.

Some papier mache to cover up the polistyrene.

Ready for painting.
And again on holiday. Have I told you that I love the mountain? Just being there... Breathing it in. :)

And the heavy stuff, finally... deep breath... Set design for Tango, by Slawomir Mrozek.
Director - Laura Maria Vladoiu. Coordinators - Alexandru Darie, Stefan Caragiu. Bulandra Theater, Bucharest.
Concept - Rehearsal - Play. Master's graduation.
(By the way, the concept was killing me - the projection of trauma from the collective consciousness, a collective grave that carries the markings of mass-murder, genocide, holocaust - the rise and fall of tyrants... Also Malevich's Suprematism inspired me, especially the painting "Red Square on the Black".)
Costumes - Wilhelmina Arz - because she cared so much!

Research - traces were left.

Research - Holocaust

Concept - only the clothes were left.

Concept - And a dictator rose again.

Concept - set design model.

Elevations for set design.

Floor plan for set design.

Floor plan for set design.

Rehearsal - Ionut Toader.

Show - Ionut Toader.

Rehearsal - Ana Ioana Macaria.

Show - Ana Ioana Macaria, Eliza Pauna, Ionut Toader, Mirela Gorea, Doru Ana.

Show - Ana Ioana Macaria, Eliza Pauna, Ionut Toader, Ion Chelaru.

Show - Mirela Gorea, Ion Chelaru, Constantin Dogioiu.
And a breath of fresh air after Tango - my architecture diploma project. Because I still love it. <3

So, mostly, this was it. I hope you liked it, if you got to get to the bottom of the page.
Thank you for sharing your time with me! I'm sending you my love.
Take care!
“Work is love made visible. And if you can't work with love, but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of the people who work with joy.”
― Khalil Gibran