Lasă vrăjeala,
Paul Melinte
I created the characters illustrations, I did the cover design and formatting, and got the cover ready for print.
For the process, I used Adobe Photoshop and a Wacom Cintiq graphic tablet for digital painting.
For the process, I used Adobe Photoshop and a Wacom Cintiq graphic tablet for digital painting.

YOLI - Adventures in the Valley of the Shadows,
Emilia Furduiu
Original cover Illustration & design created using Adobe Photoshop and Wacom Cintiq graphic tablet.
I also illustrated the interior (and wrote the story). You can see more here.

Teatrul Tikaboo,
Emilia Furduiu & Dan Cristian Lambescu
I carried this project from idea, to concept design, the development phase and got it ready for print
Original cover & interior illustration & design created using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Wacom Cintiq graphic tablet.
I also illustrated the interior. You can see more here.

Povești și povestiri,
Ion Creangă
Original cover Illustration & design created using Adobe Photoshop and Wacom Cintiq graphic tablet.
I also illustrated the interior. You can see more here.

Anxietatea și cauzele ei ascunse,
Ionela Neagu
Book cover design and moodboard.
Original illustration created in Adobe Illustrator. Finishing details and textures added in Adobe Photoshop.
Published as an ebook and I am looking forward for the print version.

Cățelușul Pic,
Ionela Chircu
Original cover illustration & design created using Adobe Photoshop and Wacom Cintiq graphic tablet.
I also illustrated the interior. You can see more here.

Pregătit pentru școală,
Georgiana Ungureanu
This was a lovely project that went fast and smoothly.
I did the cover design and formatting and got the cover ready for print.I used Adobe Photoshop and a Wacom Cintiq graphic tablet to digitally paint the letters.
Photography: Victoria Borodinova

Ebook covers, two stories,
Andra Manole
Original cover Illustration & design created using Adobe Photoshop and Wacom Cintiq graphic tablet.
I also illustrated the interior for De la boboc la Floare. You can see more here.

Project for study
This is a cover that I created as homework for the course "Visual design projects and packaging" at Link Academy. The artwork is bought.

“Work is love made visible. And if you can't work with love, but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of the people who work with joy”
― Khalil Gibran