I was an anxious child. Hey, I even grew up to be an anxious adult.
So I know dealing with fear feels like a hussle a lot of times.
But this can change if you have the right mindset from early childhood. Just try and see Fear as your friend, show it a little empathy, listen to it's message and don't forget to breathe, inflating your tummy like a balloon.
It's the first book I ever created and it kinda bends the rules.

Work in progress - Adobe Photoshop + Wacom Cintiq.

The ebook version of the story...

Preparing the DIY printed version of the book. Just to be able to hold it and feel it.

The first draft of the book.

And this is how fear looks like... :))
You can actually find this ebook on Amazon - it is screen friendly.
“Work is love made visible. And if you can't work with love, but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of the people who work with joy.”
― Khalil Gibran